New Church in Sarawak. Visit in Sabah

Our mission in Sarawak and Sabah dates back to beginnings in the late eighties when Canadian missionaries came to gather souls. Especially the retired Ap. Edy Deppner has made enormous efforts over many years. Today these two countries belong to NACSEAsia, are integrated in the NAC Malaysia and Brothers from the Indonesian part of Borneo are responsible for the further development of this area.

The District Apostle accompanied by the Apostles Samuel Hadiwidagdo  and Fred Wolf visited Mengkak congregation in the interior of Sarawak and a new church was dedicated. The congregation exists already over 20 years. Referring to Haggai 2:9 the District Apostle elaborated that not only the visible church has to be built but also the temple within us to house the Holy Spirit and to give room for His activity. Nothing shall prevent us from building the outside nor the inside of the church.

In Sabah a divine service was conducted in our Keningau congregation.  The sermon was on Psalm 139:1, God looks for us, He knows us and is always near to offer salvation. He knows what we are in need of. Let us accept His help and follow Him.

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