The Lord has done great things for us

It was a very special trip for the Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider to Malaysia. In the very beginning of the festive divine service he conducted on Sunday, 27 October 2019 he addressed the congregation “I’m really very thankful that our Heavenly Father allowed me to be here in your midst. That helps me to become aware how rich I am and my heart is full of respect towards you.” The last Chief Apostle visit to this country was made by Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber on July 2012.


The divine service was attended by 495 brothers and sisters from Malaysia and Singapore, and over 8,500 in the connected congregations in South East Asia via transmission. He based the sermon with the word out of Psalm 126:3&4. “God does great things for us, in us, and with us” the Chief Apostle said. For us through the sending of His Son, Jesus Christ, He frees us from the death and evil one. God does great things  In us: He puts the godly life within us through the rebirth of the water and the Spirit. And with us, He wants to save all mankind and encourage us to share with them the wealth of salvation we have received.


On Saturday afternoon, a meeting for ministers and wives was held in our Kuala Lumpur church. The Chief Apostle encouraged the brothers and their wives and also express his gratitude for their support and sacrifices for the church. “it’s not a tradition or a political issue – that’s what in my heart,” says the international church leader. Before leaving for Myanmar, another agenda is on the programme: all Apostle from South East Asia will come together for a meeting with the Chief Apostle on Monday morning.


“We are convince that the Chief Apostle’s visit will bring a new impulses amongst the ministers, the brothers and sisters,” said the District Apostle Edy Isnugroho. And he comes to the conclusion: “I believe the Chief Apostle’s visit will also become a blessings for the countries.”


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