Midweek Devotional: 13 May 2020

Thoughts on the Bible text:
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Luke 12: 34


The passage from the Gospel of Luke, which we are using for this evening’s devotional, is connected with Jesus’ statements on the kingdom of God. Jesus makes clear what the attitude of a person who longs for the kingdom of God should be like. A key characteristic of such a person is to have a strong trust in God, which enables them to not let the worries and needs of everyday life Continue reading

The Evolution of The New Creation

District Apostle Edy Isnugroho explained to us why the new creation within us is very important in order to be able to reach the goal. If we are in Christ, what does it mean? to be in Christ means our life is for Him, we believe in Jesus, we want to imitate Him.

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Pentecost – Local and Online

Worldwide online divine service planned for Pentecost

Zurich. “Anyone who can attend a divine service in person on Pentecost Sunday should do so,” was the clear view of Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider. Nevertheless, there are many Church members for whom this will not be possible. It is for their benefit that the Church leader wishes to organise a collective divine service online.

Usually it is only every two years that Pentecost services in the New Apostolic Church are celebrated as global divine services. It is the Church’s publishing house that takes responsibility for these events using its ample technical infrastructure. In many countries, the service is transmitted by satellite, either live or with a time delay. The publishing house has already had many years of experience in this field. Pentecost divine services of this kind have already taken place in various congregations in Africa and Europe, for example, last year in Goslar, Germany. Continue reading

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