A journey to Malaysia and Sarawak
Apostle Fred Wolf who is responsible for soul care in Malysia hosted District Apostle Edy Isnugroho and Apostle Samuel Hadiwidagdo (Indonesia) to visit the Malaysia peninsula sub-district from 1st to 4th August 2019.
The District Apostle conducted Divine Services in Kuala Lumpur, Parit Buntar and Padang Serai. Besides, he conducted committee meeting in Kuala Lumpur for preparation of the Chief Apostle visit to Malaysia and a ministers meeting.
The Divine Service in Padang Serai was based on Philippians 4:19. God supplies all our needs. In afflictions we keep confidence in God and remain united. Through his word and the sacraments God gives us what we need in order to be saved. He makes an appeal to our solidarity in order to relieve the needs of our neighbour.
The journey continues to Sarawak from 5th to 7th August. Sarawak is a country in the Malaysian Federation belongs to the mission field of NACSEAsia and is cared for by the Indonesian brothers from Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of Borneo. The first stop is Salambong congregation. After one hour drive from Kota Betong, District Apostle conducted a Divine Service based on Luke 11:2b. We wait for the kingdom of God to come and let the Lord Jesus reign in us. The presence of Jesus should be increasingly felt in our congregation.
On the next day, our brethren in Mengkak congregation was served with the words from Galatians 6:9.
To do good is to align with the will of God and the example of Jesus Christ. God blesses those who show presverance in doing good and will soon allow them to enter into His glory. They closed the trip by visiting Pontianak congregation, West Kalimantan, on their way home and conducted a midweek divine service.